Enterprise Database Systems
Building Blockchains with Hyperledger Fabric
Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Foundations of Hyperledger Fabric
Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Hyperledger Composer Playground
Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Hyperledger Fabric Web App
Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Setting Up a Hyperledger Fabric Network
Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Web Apps for Hyperledger Composer Networks
Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Working with Fabric Chaincode in Golang
Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Working with Fabric Chaincode in NodeJS

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Foundations of Hyperledger Fabric

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Foundations of Hyperledger Fabric

  • identify the subject areas covered in this course
  • recognize what a blockchain is and how it offers a mechanism to record transactions in a secure manner
  • identify the characteristics of public blockchain networks and their limitations
  • recall the origins of the Hyperledger project and its approach towards building blockchain solutions
  • describe the different blockchain implementations offered by Hyperledger
  • list the steps involved in setting up a Fabric network without using any of the Hyperledger tools
  • identify the components of the Fabric network that need to be planned and provisioned
  • recognize how you can use business-level abstractions to define a blockchain network using Hyperledger Composer
  • enumerate the different files that can be used to define a blockchain network in Hyperledger Composer
  • describe the features of Hyperledger Composer Playground
  • list the steps involved in deploying a network definition into a production environment
  • describe Hyperledger tools, list definition files used in Hyperledger Composer, and summarize features of Hyperledger Composer Playground


In this course, you will explore the foundations of Hyperledger Fabric, including setting up a Fabric network and using Hyperledger Composer with business-level abstractions. Learn about blockchains and their mechanism to securely record transactions. Learn to identify characteristics and limitations of public blockchain networks. The course recalls origins of the Hyperledger project and its approach toward building blockchain solutions, and the different blockchain implementations offered by Hyperledger. Participants will set up a Fabric network without using any of the Hyperledger tools. Use a tech-based approach to identify the components of the Fabric network that must be planned and provisioned. You will learn to recognize how to use business-level abstractions and enumerate different files to define a blockchain network in Hyperledger Composer. You will also learn about the features of Hyperledger Composer Playground. Steps involved in deploying a Fabric network definition into a production environment will be examined. The concluding exercise reviews the Hyperledger Fabric framework, describing tools, definition files used in Composer, and the features of Hyperledger Composer Playground.


Prerequisites: none

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Hyperledger Composer Playground

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Hyperledger Composer Playground

  • identify the subject areas covered in this course
  • connect to the cloud-based Hyperledger Composer environment and recognize the syntax of the CTO modeling language
  • recall the details required in the transaction processing script for a Hyperledger Composer network
  • identify the types of rules that can be defined in the access control list (ACL) for a Hyperledger Composer network
  • deploy a business blockchain network to a test environment on Hyperledger Composer Playground
  • use the Hyperledger Composer Playground tool to test different scenarios for a business blockchain network
  • identify the options and templates supplied by Hyperledger Composer Playground to build out business blockchain networks
  • define the assets, participants, and types of transactions and events that will be involved in a blockchain network for a supply chain
  • generate identities for different participants in a Hyperledger Composer network and create instances of assets and participants that will be involved in transactions
  • perform tests of the permissions defined in the ACL file of the Hyperledger Composer network and confirm the logic of the transactions
  • invoke transactions using the Hyperledger Composer Playground UI and confirm the permissions defined for the network
  • export the blockchain business network defined in Hyperledger Composer Playground, which can later be used to deploy the network to another Hyperledger Fabric network
  • list the definition files for a Hyperledger Composer blockchain application and connect to the test environment as an instance of a participant


In this course, you will explore the definition and testing of a blockchain app for recording transactions on supply chain assets. In the cloud-based Hyperledger Composer environment, examine syntax of the CTO modeling language. Recall the transaction processing script and identify access control list (ACL) rules for a Hyperledger Composer network. Next, test business blockchain network scenarios in a Composer Playground test environment using the Composer Playground tool and identify options and templates to build business blockchain networks: identifying assets, participants, and transactions involved in a supply chain’s blockchain network. Generate identities for Hyperledger Composer network participants and create assets and participants involved in transactions. Perform tests of permissions defined in Composer’s ACL file and confirm the logic of the transactions, then invoke transactions using Composer Playground UI and confirm defined permissions. Export the blockchain business network defined in Hyperledger Composer Playground, which can later be used to deploy the network to another Hyperledger Fabric network. The concluding exercise lists definition files for a Hypercomposer blockchain application and connects participants to the test environment.


Prerequisites: none

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Hyperledger Fabric Web App

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Hyperledger Fabric Web App

  • identify the subject areas covered in this course
  • use NodeJS to code an application that will create an admin user for an organization connected to a Hyperledger Fabric network
  • write an application in NodeJS that will use admin credentials in order to provision an application user
  • develop a NodeJS application that can retrieve an instance of a smart contract deployed to a Fabric Network and invoke query operations on it
  • create a NodeJS application that is able to invoke queries and transactions against chaincode deployed to Hyperledger Fabric
  • build a web UI that enables both queries and transactions against a smart contract by connecting to the backend app created previously
  • verify the features implemented in the application by accessing the UI and invoking queries and transactions
  • use a Gateway instance to retrieve chaincode from a Fabric network and use a contract instance to perform read and write operations


Examine steps involved in building a JavaScript web application that interacts with a smart contract deployed to a Hyperledger Fabric network in your Blockchain solutions. In this course, participants use NodeJS to code an application to create an admin user for an organization connected to a Fabric network. You will write an application in NodeJS that uses admin credentials to provision the application user. Learn how to develop a NodeJS application that retrieves an instance of a smart contract deployed to a Fabric network and invoke query applications on it. In building the backend of the Fabric web app, create a NodeJS application able to invoke queries and transactions against chaincode deployed to Hyperledger Fabric. Then build a web UI enabling both queries and transactions against a smart contract by connecting to the previously created backend app. Test the app by verifying features implemented by accessing the UI and invoking queries and transactions. The closing exercise uses a Gateway instance to retrieve chaincode from a Fabric network and uses a contract instance to perform read and write operations.


Prerequisites: none

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Setting Up a Hyperledger Fabric Network

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Setting Up a Hyperledger Fabric Network

  • identify the subject areas covered in this course
  • recognize what is required to make an application portable across environments
  • identify what makes containers much more lightweight than virtual machines
  • describe the use of Docker to define images and use them to provision containers
  • install Docker and Golang, two of the prerequisites for Hyperledger Fabric
  • download Hyperledger Fabric artifacts as well as the Docker images needed to provision a network
  • identify the various artifacts required to build a Hyperledger Fabric network
  • recall the details that need to be defined in the channel configuration file
  • define the components of the Hyperledger Fabric network that require cryptographic material to be generated
  • specify the components of the Fabric network and the details required to connect to them
  • identify Hyperledger Fabric components and describe configuration files including the configtx.yaml and connection profile files


In this course, participants discover how to download and install the prerequisites for Hyperledger Fabric and develop the configuration files to set up a Fabric network for their Blockchin solutions. You will begin to recognize what makes an application portable across environments and identify what makes containers more lightweight than virtual machines. Then, use Docker to define images and use them to provision containers. You will learn about Fabric prerequisite installation, Docker and Go, installing Docker and Golang—two prerequisites for Hyperledger Fabric—and download Hyperledger Fabric artifacts and Docker images needed to provision a network. Examine the various artifacts required to build a Hyperledger Fabric network. Then explore details that must be defined in the channel configuration file configtx.yaml file and the components of the Hyperledger Fabric network requiring cryptographic material to be generated in the crypto-config.yaml file. Understand the connection profile: components of the Fabric network and connecting to them. Finally, you will complete an exercise in setting up Hyperledger Fabric, by identifying the components and describing configuration files, including configtx.yaml and connection profile files.


Prerequisites: none

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Web Apps for Hyperledger Composer Networks

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Web Apps for Hyperledger Composer Networks

  • identify the subject areas covered in this course
  • install tools such as the Composer REST Server and Yeoman to simplify the building of apps for Hyperledger Composer
  • set up a Hyperledger Fabric network to which the Composer network can be installed
  • develop the blockchain network definition using Yeoman, package it in a business network archive, and install that on the Hyperledger Fabric network
  • initialize the Hyperledger Composer REST API server so that it can be used to interact with a deployed blockchain network
  • use the Composer REST server to access the deployed blockchain network using API calls
  • record transactions on the blockchain network using the UI provided by the Composer REST server
  • download and install the Angular JS app supplied by Hyperledger to interact with the deployed Composer network
  • use the Angular app for Hyperledger Composer to create instances of assets and participants and to record transactions on the deployed blockchain network
  • summarize the steps to deploy a Hyperledger Composer app to a Fabric network and describe the boilerplate web application for Hyperledger Composer


Continue your exploration of the world of Hyperledger in this 10-video course, covering development of a Hyperledger Composer blockchain application on your own machine. Participants can build their own web apps to interact with that blockchain network by using REST API calls. The course begins by setting up a Composer project on local machines, using the Yeoman scaffolding tool. Next, you will develop and export a business network definition to record transactions for a supply chain. Then learn how to deploy that network to a Hyperledger Fabric environment and set up a REST server, which allows interaction with the network by using REST API calls.
Finally, an Angular web app supplied by Hyperledger allows you to interact with the blockchain network via the REST server. After completing this course, you will be far more knowledgeable about Hyperledger Composer and Hyperledger Fabric, and ready to build a real-life application which can record all important transactions in the secure environment of a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network, with the convenience of a web application.


Prerequisites: none

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Working with Fabric Chaincode in Golang

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Working with Fabric Chaincode in Golang

  • identify the subject areas covered in this course
  • use the configtxgen tool to create the Fabric network's first genesis block and channel
  • define the certificate authority service for the organization in the Fabric network
  • configure the ordering service, peer, and state database services for the Fabric network
  • create a Hyperledger Fabric network using the configuration files and initialize a channel
  • define the Init method in a Go smart contract for the Fabric network
  • code the Invoke method and different operations that can be called in a Go smart contract
  • install and instantiate the Go chaincode and invoke the operations defined in the contract
  • describe Docker services, access the contract state in a smart contract, and deploy chaincode on a channel


In this course, participants discover how to complete the provisioning of a Hyperledger Fabric network and to develop, deploy, and work with a smart contract coded in Go for their Blockchain projects. First, learn how to use the configtxgen tool to create the Fabric network’s first Genesis block and channel. Then in a two-part tutorial about the docker-compose file, you will define the certificate authority service for organization in the Fabric network and configure the network’s ordering service, peer, and state database services. Next, learn how to provision the Fabric network by creating a Hyperledger Fabric network using the configuration files and initializing a channel. Another two-part tutorial on writing chaincode in Go examines the Init method and coding the Invoke method and the different operations that can be called in a Go smart contract for the Fabric network. Then learn to install and instantiate the Go chaincode and invoke the operations defined in the contract. A concluding exercise describes Docker services, accessing the contract state in a smart contract, and deploying chaincode on a channel.


Prerequisites: none

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Working with Fabric Chaincode in NodeJS

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Working with Fabric Chaincode in NodeJS

  • identify the subject areas covered in this course
  • provision a new Hyperledger Fabric network by reusing some of the configurations generated previously
  • code the Init and Invoke methods of a Fabric smart contract in NodeJS
  • access the contract state in NodeJS chaincode by adding entries and then reading them
  • define the NodeJS application and its dependencies in the package.json file for the chaincode
  • install, instantiate, and invoke a function on the NodeJS chaincode
  • describe NodeJS smart contract component requirements and deploy and interact with chaincode using peer commands


Over a series of seven tutorials, you will explore how to develop a Hyperledger Fabric smart contract to serve as an inventory of vehicles using NodeJS and how to deploy and interact with it for your Blockchain solutions. Beginning with the Fabric network setup, you will learn how to provision a new Hyperledger Fabric network by reusing some of the configurations generated previously. Learn how to code the Init and Invoke methods of a Fabric smart contract in NodeJS, then access the contract state in NodeJS chaincode by adding entries and reading them. This leads to defining the NodeJS application and its dependencies in the package.json file for the chaincode. The next tutorial examines how to install, instantiate, and invoke a function on the NodeJS chaincode. A concluding exercise on Fabric chaincode in NodeJS reviews your new knowledge of describing NodeJS smart contract component requirements, then deploying and interacting with chaincode by using peer commands.


Prerequisites: none

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